Career SWOT Exercise

This exercise will help you to identify areas of strength and weakness related to your career.  It will also help to identify opportunities and threats that may exist.  The key will be putting them all together in a way that allows you to focus on your most meaningful strengths.

What is your Name:                

Identify Strengths:

1. Experience - what professional experience and skills would you consider to be your strengths?

2. What personal characteristics do you possess that you would consider to be your strengths?

3. Who do you know that you feel would add strength to your ability to find/change a career?

4. To which organizations do you belong, or interact with on a regular basis?

Identify Weaknesses:

5. Experience - what professional experience and skills do you feel you must develop, but don't possess?

6. What personal characteristics do you possess that you wish you did not (that can hinder career growth)?

7. Who do you feel it would be important to know to help you professionally (but you don't know them now)?

8. To which organizations do you not currently belong, yet feel would help you to build skills and contacts?

Identify Opportunities:

9. What are some new and emerging technologies that can help a business (explain how)?

10. Which portion of the economy is growing (industries, types of jobs)?

11. What are interest rate trends (high or low) and which particular types of businesses may gain by them?

12. What are any new government regulations (or certification requirements) and which particular types of businesses may gain from them?

13. What are current demographic trends (income levels, employment) and which particular types of businesses may gain from them?

Identify Threats:

14. What are some new and emerging technologies that can hurt a business (explain how)?

15. Which portion of the economy is shrinking/contracting (industries, types of jobs)?

16.  What are interest rate trends (high or low) and which particular types of businesses may get hurt?

17. What are any new government regulations (or certification requirements) and which particular types of businesses may be hurt by them?

18. What are current demographic trends (income levels, employment) and which particular types of businesses may be hurt by them?

      Developed by: Dr. Ralph Jagodka  (C) 2009               

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